6 Best Custom Nodes for Comfy UI (For Best Workflow)

Sujeet Kumar
10 Min Read

So, you’re into AI image generation? ComfyUI’s probably on your radar – it’s a fantastic platform, easy to use and super powerful. But the real magic happens thanks to the amazing community. They’ve built these custom nodes, like little tools that unlock even more cool stuff you can do with ComfyUI.

We’re talking serious upgrades here. Want to fix wonky faces in your generations? There’s a FaceRestore node for that. Feeling creative? The StyleBlend node lets you mashup different styles for wild results. In this article, we’ll dive into some of the best custom nodes and how they can take your ComfyUI experience to the next level. Buckle up!

Custom Nodes for Comfy UI

SDXL Prompt Styler

- 6 Best Custom Nodes for Comfy UI (For Best Workflow)

The SDXL Prompt Styler is a versatile custom node within Comfy UI that streamlines the prompt styling process. It allows users to apply predefined styling templates stored in JSON files to their prompts effortlessly. One of its key features is the ability to replace the {prompt} placeholder in the ‘prompt’ field of these templates with user-provided positive text.

Moreover, the SDXL Prompt Styler excels in managing negative prompts. Users have the flexibility to input their negative text, which is then seamlessly integrated with the ‘negative_prompt’ field from the selected JSON template. In cases where no negative text is provided, the system defaults to using the ‘negative_prompt’ from the JSON template. This robust functionality empowers users to craft a diverse and highly tailored set of prompts, enhancing the AI generation experience.

Comfyroll Custom Nodes for Comfy UI

ComfyrollSDXL - 6 Best Custom Nodes for Comfy UI (For Best Workflow)
  1. Switching Node: Seamlessly alternate between diverse workflows, optimizing tasks like inpainting and Lora integration with a single click.
  2. Image Input Switches: Swiftly switch between different image inputs, latents, conditionings, clips, models, and ControlNet options.
  3. Process Switches: Enhance image quality with Hires Fix Process, and customize image transformations with Img2Img Process.
  4. LoRA Integration: Load, stack, and apply LoRA data effortlessly for seamless dataset incorporation.
  5. Maths and Number Nodes: Achieve accurate numerical operations, from integer multiplication to seed-to-integer conversion.
  6. Image Enhancement: Resize, maintain aspect ratios, add color tints, and introduce halftone effects to images.
  7. Conditioning Power: Apply control nets seamlessly to guide image generation with precision.
  8. SDXL Transformation: Optimize image generation using custom nodes tailored for Stable Diffusion XL.
  9. Module Efficiency: Load, input, and output module pipelines with ease, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  10. Latent Control: Customize latent batch sizes to fine-tune image generation results.

Discover the efficiency and creativity these custom nodes bring to your ComfyUI experience.

WAS Node Suite – ComfyUI

FF9K%20Workflow - 6 Best Custom Nodes for Comfy UI (For Best Workflow)
  1. BLIP Analyze Image: Extract captions or interrogate images with questions using this node. Auto-downloads models for analysis.
  2. SAM Model Loader: Load SAM Segmentation models for advanced image analysis.
  3. SAM Parameters: Define segmentation parameters for precise image analysis.
  4. SAM Parameters Combine: Merge multiple segmentation parameters for comprehensive analysis.
  5. SAM Image Mask: Apply masks using SAM segmentation for targeted image manipulation.
  6. Image Bounds: Restrict image dimensions for focused processing.
  7. Bounded Image Blend: Seamlessly blend bounded images.
  8. Bounded Image Crop: Isolate specific areas within bounded images.
  9. Cache Node: Store Latnet, Tensor Batches, and Conditioning data on disk for later use.
  10. CLIPTextEncode (NSP): Decode noodle soups or wildcards for text prompts.
  11. Conditioning Input Switch: Toggle between two conditioning inputs for versatile processing.
  12. Create Grid Image: Generate image grids from customizable glob patterns.
  13. Create Morph Image: Create animated GIF/APNG transitions between images.
  14. Create Video from Path: Compile videos from images in specified paths.
  15. CLIPSeg Masking: Mask images using CLIPSeg, providing raw masks.
  16. Image Analyze: Analyze and process images for various enhancements.
  17. Black White Levels: Adjust black and white levels of images.
  18. Image Bloom Filter: Apply bloom filters for striking image effects.
  19. Image Canny Filter: Employ canny filters for edge detection.
  20. Image Chromatic Aberration: Infuse images with sci-fi inspired chromatic aberration.
  21. Image Color Palette: Generate color palettes based on input images.
  22. Image Crop Face: Crop and extract faces from images, with considerations.

These nodes, alongside numerous others, empower users to create intricate workflows in ComfyUI for efficient image generation and manipulation.

tinyterraNodes for ComfyUI

image 3 - 6 Best Custom Nodes for Comfy UI (For Best Workflow)

The tinyterraNodes custom nodes for ComfyUI offer a plethora of functionalities that seamlessly integrate with your Stable Diffusion workflows. These custom nodes have been thoughtfully designed to streamline the process of image generation, making your experience even more efficient. Enabled by default, the tinyterraNodes provide several valuable features:

Auto-Complete Embedding Filenames: This feature revolutionizes your text widgets by displaying a pop-up for autocomplete embedding filenames. Typing ’embedding’ triggers the list of options, allowing you to select with ease. To toggle this functionality, utilize the [ttNodes] setting: ‘enable_embed_autocomplete = True | False’.

Dynamic Widgets: The tinyterraNodes introduce dynamic widgets that adapt to relevance. This automated mechanism hides or displays widgets based on their contextual significance. To activate or deactivate this feature, control the [ttNodes] setting: ‘enable_dynamic_widgets = True | False’.

ttNinterface: Enhance your node management with the ttNinterface. This feature augments the right-click context menu by incorporating ‘Node Dimensions (ttN)’ for precise node adjustment. Furthermore, it supports ‘ctrl + arrow key’ node movement for swift positioning. The addition of ‘Reload Node (ttN)’ ensures a seamless workflow. Slot Type Color and Link Style options are also integrated into the Link right-click context menu.

Save Image Prefix Parsing: Customize your image filenames with ease. Incorporate date and time details using the format %date:yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss%. Harness the power of placeholders to parse upstream settings into filenames. Utilize %[widget_name]% for the current node or %[input_name]>[input_name]>[widget_name]% for inputting nodes.

Node Versioning: The tinyterraNodes adopt versioning to maintain workflow stability. Each node now carries a version property, highlighting nodes that might face compatibility issues due to future changes. This safeguard ensures that workflows created after the v1.0.0 release remain unaffected.

AutoUpdate: These custom nodes are designed to keep your experience up to date. With AutoUpdate, you can benefit from the latest enhancements effortlessly. Embrace a seamless workflow without the need for manual updates.

ComfyUI – Visual Area Conditioning

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The “ComfyUI – Visual Area Conditioning” custom node offers unparalleled compositional control within image generation. This tool empowers users to manually dictate the composition of their images, resulting in a fine-tuned output that matches their creative vision. By utilizing this node, you gain the ability to visualize the ConditioningSetArea node, which enhances control over the conditioning process.

2. MultiLatentComposite 1.1

The “MultiLatentComposite 1.1” custom node introduces a new dimension of control and precision to your image generation endeavors. This tool revolutionizes the process by allowing users to visualize the MultiLatentComposite node, granting an advanced level of control over image synthesis. By simply right-clicking, users can add, remove, or swap layers effortlessly, providing a dynamic and flexible approach to crafting images. This customization extends to the association of nodes with inputs, enhancing the user experience by displaying relevant information. With “MultiLatentComposite 1.1,” your image generation journey becomes more intuitive and tailored, paving the way for strikingly sophisticated results.

ComfyUI – FaceRestore Node

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The ComfyUI FaceRestore Node introduces a powerful solution for restoring faces in images, akin to the face restoration feature in AUTOMATIC1111 webui. Contrary to misconceptions, this method offers an effective way to rectify faces in generated images. This custom node leverages advanced face restoration models, including the GFPGAN and CodeFormer models, accessible via download links. These models, stored in the ‘facerestore_models’ folder, work in tandem with face detection models found in the ‘facedetection’ directory. These detection models, such as ResNet50, MobileNet, and YOLOv5, ensure accurate cropping and facilitate the face restoration process. Overall, the ComfyUI FaceRestore Node provides a seamless approach to enhancing and refining facial features in generated images.

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SK, an ardent writer whose creativity knows no bounds. With a profound love for anime, a fascination for the world of VFX, and an insatiable appetite for innovative storytelling, SK embarks on a journey where art and artificial intelligence converge to bring captivating narratives to life.